pshe and rse

Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) are curriculum subjects through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future.

These skills and attributes help pupils to stay healthy, safe and prepare them for life and work in modern Britain.

When taught well, these subjects help pupils to achieve their academic potential, and leave school equipped with skills they will need throughout later life.


Curriculum Area Training

PSHE and R(S)HE Consultancy

NEW for 24/25

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Promoting Gender Equality by Challenging Gender Stereotypes – (Centre-Based)

Multiple Dates
Next: 18/06/2025
NEW for 24/25
NEW for 24/25

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental Health- Behaviour as Communication (Online)

Multiple Dates
Next: 04/06/2025

Page Last Modified:  31/10/2022 14:59