Services For Education provides a wide range of professional development opportunities to enable schools and education providers to meet the requirements that are set out in the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage.

We can offer a wide range of courses such as EYFS networks, meaningful observations, assessment moderation, outdoor learning, new to EYFS, transition into Year 1, paediatric first aid, safeguarding and many more.

These include centre based, in house-sessions, bespoke consultancy and in school training, and EYFS reviews, depending what will meet your establishment‘s needs.

Services For Education work with hundreds of settings across Birmingham and offer a wide variety of centre-based and bespoke options.

There will be something to suit your organisation and staff.

We are incredibly lucky to have such a broad range of expertise within our team and the capacity to offer you exactly what you need from EYFS training.

A podcast about the proposed reforms to the Statutory Framework for the EYFS.

The Dfe launched a consultation back in October and they want your views about the proposed changes. The consultation closes on the 31st January so I thought it would be useful to talk through the key proposals to support you for when you respond to the consultation.

For more podcasts, webinars and online courses covering a range of different topics please visit our Digital Resources page, here.

On a half-termly basis, we send out a newsletter about topics relating to the EYFS.

This includes resources, podcasts, webinars blogs, important updates and upcoming courses that may be of interest to those working in Early Years.

You can view previous content on our EYFS newsletter homepage here. Or feel free to sign up, using the form below.

2023 reception baseline assessment: assessment and reporting arrangements (ARA)
Information for assessing and reporting the reception baseline assessment (RBA) in the 2023 to 2024 academic year.

For more information contact us here or call us on 0121 366 9950.

“It’s been a great day, networking with other schools and talking about early writing and how it links with other areas. It is great to get ideas from other practitioners and see resources and documents.”  Hannah Plaskett – Yardley Wood Primary School

“I found this very informative and found the way the course was delivered to be interesting and varied.” Natalie Gaynor – Harborne Primary School

“Serena was brilliant and tailored the day to pitch our needs, experiences and discussions.” Samantha Richards – Heathfield Primary School

what we offer

CPD Certified
CPD Certified

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Dealing with Loss and Bereavement


Curriculum Area Training

Charanga Training for School Staff


Leadership and Development

Twilight Safer Recruitment (Online)

Multiple Dates
Next: 11/03/2025

Leadership and Development

Safer Recruitment (Centre-Based)

Multiple Dates
Next: 12/02/2025


Assessment Briefings for Senior Leaders (Centre-Based)

Multiple Dates
Next: 02/04/2025
NEW for 24/25

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Promoting Gender Equality by Challenging Gender Stereotypes – (Centre-Based)

Multiple Dates
Next: 18/06/2025
NEW for 24/25
NEW for 24/25

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental Health- Behaviour as Communication (Online)

Multiple Dates
Next: 04/06/2025
NEW for 24/25


Termly DSL Networking Session – (Online)

Multiple Dates
Next: 06/03/2025

Curriculum Area Training

A Practical Guide to Writing a School Music Development Plan

Multiple Dates
Next: 21/01/2025


Online Primary Writing Conference

Thursday 10th Apr 2025

Page Last Modified:  26/07/2023 11:28